How to write a book: Step four – understanding the parts of a book

How to write a book: Step four – understanding the parts of a book

Many people are confused about the parts that they need to have in their book. There’s also some uncertainty about what the different parts actually are. I was a bit perplexed when I wrote my first book as well, so I decided to break it done and make it simple for all your authors out there.

Listen to Lauri’s March 2014 podcast on understanding the parts of a book


Fantasy book


Book Title – Great titles sell books! Give it the time, energy and care that it needs to create a show stopper.

Primary Selling Point – The subtitle and the reason why someone would want to buy your book. It’s “the what’s in it for them”.

Book Category or Categories – Choose specific categories that accurately describe the subject matter of your book.

Manuscript submitted, double-spaced and paginated – Remember the spacing and the page numbers.

All illustrations, table, charts and/or graphs – It’s important to include them.

A reference list of all materials referred to in the text – For books that are resources, guides and manuals.

All written permissions to reprint or adapt copyrighted material – Protect yourself and get all approval in written. Maybe check with a lawyer to see if some financial transfer is necessary.

Foreword – Written by someone other than the author.

Preface – A preliminary statement written by the author.

Introduction – This is a half to one-page about the content of the book. Include a hook, the benefit to them, info on why you wrote the book, a sample of your chapter format and a motivation to keep reading.

Tale of Contents – Organize, submit and make sure it is accurate, when you get the proof.

Dedication – Who are those people who sacrificed time with you, picked up the slack at home or work and generally made your book possible. This is your opportunity to tell them that you appreciate they’re support.

Acknowledgement – Your editor, your publisher, your friends who said you had it in you write a book. Those people that wouldn’t give up on you, refused to believe that you didn’t have it in you and the ones who pushed you to the finish line. Thank them in this section.

Appendix – Supplemental information that will help the reader.

Index – A list of words, phrases, concepts, names of people, places or events that are included and where they can be found in the book.

Copy for back cover– A description of the book.

Author’s photo – Depending on the subject matter, the photo should represent the author’s relationship to the book subject or theme itself. This could range from a casual headshot to a shot dressed with professional gear, like a cookbook with a chef in a cook’s jacket.

About the author section – A bit about you as it relates to you being the author, written in third person.

Selling price – Compare others and make your decision.

Have you read:

Stay tuned for Step Five – What You Need to Know About Traditional or Self Publishing.


About the author
Speaker, author, TV host of Focus Forward, Lauri Flaquer has extensive entrepreneurial and media experience. As founder of Saltar Solutions, she guides her clientele of international business owners to excel as entrepreneurs. Formally in TV production at NBC, CNBC and Bloomberg LP, Lauri produces/ hosts Focus Forward, a show dedicated to helping entrepreneurs soar! Lauri has been the publicist and marketing director for several best-selling book campaigns. To learn more about marketing contact Lauri or Tweet her, @SaltarSolutions.


Are you in the process of writing a book, or have you just finished one? We’d love it if you left a comment below, or found us on Facebook or Twitter. And if you think others would find this series useful, go ahead and share :-)