focus magnifying glass

As a follow up to yesterday’s musings on lack of motivation, I decided to take action, and am excited to say I feel back on track. I didn’t this morning however, but following these steps, I’ve been humming along nicely.

1. One piece of advice I mentioned I’d read about on how to get motivated now, was to do something first thing that inspires towards your goal.

With that in mind, I listened to a webinar re-play on “being productive” by the lovely Melanie Duncan. In it she shares her top 10 tools that will make you ten times more productive in less than a week.

Hopefully you can listen to it HERE, but if that link is expired, sign up for her mailing list at and I’m sure there’ll be another opportunity for you to learn with her soon.

2. Geared up following an hour on “productivity”, I thought it was important to take heed of one of Melanie’s key messages on ‘focus’, so decided to dedicate twenty minutes to getting my head in order.

This really helped:

3. One of the tools Melanie mentioned in her webinar is Focus @ Will which captured my interest because it blends music with neuroscience studies, and promises to deliver tracks that increase attention span by up to 400%! So important when you have to spend your day writing… and  focussed (sometimes really hard!). I’m presently trialling it – so far so good. It’s quite classical, but apparently that’s conducive to concentration and productivity, so I’ll stick with it.

Do you have a comment, suggestion or advice? Please do share in the comments or drop me a line on Facebook or Twitter.

Sarah Blinco