The gentle isle Prince Edward Island

The gentle isle Prince Edward Island

Anne-of-green-gables-anne-of-green-gables-600586_640_480_800x600I’m presently sitting on a remote beach somewhere on Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada, waiting for sunset so I can take photos as the light goes down across the far reaches of the world.

If I was to set sail on the ocean in front of me I’d be heading back towards the UK, which might otherwise be a bitter-sweet thought, but given that the experience on PEI has been sublime I simply can’t be anything other than at peace.

I had waited my whole life to come here. Like many, it’s the appeal of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables (image from the tv-movie starring Megan Follows, pictured above) that drew me to this far away land, but I’ve also always perceived Prince Edward Island to be some kind of heaven: and as the wind gently echoes across the green fields, quaint colourful homes and sparkling ocean I am pleased to share that I was right.

The Gentle Isle, Prince Edward Island

It wasn’t looking so good to start with though. I’ve been planning this pilgrimage for a while and each turn to get here since leaving London was plagued with one problem or another. We missed the summer season by one week, and consequently quite a few of the shuttles and bus services that would have made the journey on and off the island simple are closed for another six months.

The longer I investigated journeys in and out, the higher travel costs became. Note to prospective travellers – PEI is absolutely worth the trip, but organise yourself early and book flights in and out of Charlottetown to avoid any hassle.

The complications continued to the very end when our train from Montreal was delayed by two hours overnight causing us to miss the last connecting bus to the island, and then the following day there was a delay with our transport on arrival into the island thus drastically reducing our limited window of exploration time. I was quite distressed by this point, really feeling like I wasn’t meant to get here – what could go wrong next?

Gentle Isle Prince Edward Island

Fortunately the bad luck subsided, and I’m here! The weather has been stunning, accommodation in our little cabin at the Anne Shirley Motel & Cottages fabulous, locals friendly and helpful, and the island itself simply stunning. Prince Edward Island is much bigger than I had expected. It’s a vast space of land consisting of rugged beach front, rivers, lakes, bays, lighthouses, pastoral land, small white churches with tall steeples, deep-sea fishing boats, and scattered townships and cities including the capital where we landed initially, Charlottetown.

PEI, The Gentle Isle

Regardless of it being larger than I had imagined, the maritime province is still the smallest in Canada, but it is significant as being the ‘birthplace of Confederation’. This is marked by the famous (and loooong) Confederation Bridge which links PEI with Moncton in New Brunswick, the place where we were stranded the evening before arrival.

Pockets of civilisation were founded throughout the area from the 1700s, and it’s obvious from where founding fathers (whether by original land discovery or through spoils of war) hailed – examples of township names include New London, New Glasgow, Cornwall, Kensington, Stratford, Greenwich, IIe Saint Jean and Irishtown.

Visiting Green Gables was obviously a highlight. It’s straight out of a storybook! What I didn’t realise is that the building is historical, not just a film set. In real life (back in the 1800s), the farm was the home of the Macneill’s, cousins to the famous author L.M Montgomery. She grew up nearby with her grandparents but was always inspired by Green Gables and the surrounding woodlands which she named Lover’s Lane and the Haunted Wood, as depicted in the fictional Anne of Green Gables series.

The gentle isle: Prince Edward Island

Green Gables is just one of many beautiful examples of quaint homes and gardens across Prince Edward Island though. When driving around it is easy to be captivated by the scenery, but the houses are just as striking! Gorgeous triangular roofed homes – colourful, well-kept with beautiful gardens, huge farm barns, and often matching dog houses out in the large back yards. In fact, my initial impression of the island was that it is so picturesque that it’s almost like a country version of the Desperate Housewives set! Similar architectural styles exist whether located in the ‘middle’ of the island across sprawling green countryside surrounded by cows, sheep, horses and dogs, or on waterfront property bordered by boats bobbing in the breeze.

The locals are simply divine too, with several going out of their way to help, guide and chat to us. The folks at Anne Shirley’s Motel were more than helpful, and today we even met a real life Anne Shirley, a lovely lady who was indeed named after Montgomery’s character, and who in the 50s used to own a hair salon and visitors used to ask for her autograph – cute!

Prince Edward Island is the magical land I’d always imagined it to be, perhaps thanks to L.M Montgomery, or Maud as she liked to be called, and her vivid descriptions of her truly beautiful homeland that she wrote about all those years ago. Over the past day and a half on PEI we’ve met two lovely people who both said their lifelong dream was to visit our home, Australia, all the way across the other side of the globe. They said they probably won’t get to travel the distance though, which makes me sad for them, but also makes me realise that I am very lucky to have been able to see this place − so far away but always on my mind. I’m very lucky and grateful indeed.

Gentle Isle Prince Edward Island

Getting to PEI:
Try Air Canada, ViaRail and Acadian Bus Lines. Read more here

Anne Shirley Motel & Cottages

Getting around:
You’ll need a map of the island and a car – we hired from Enterprise Car rental (Charlottetown) Alternatively, there are cycle lanes surrounding the island so hire a bike and go exploring.

It’s customary to try a ‘Lobster supper’ on Prince Edward Island, and some of the best are allegedly located in New Glasgow.

**More useful information at

If you have visited Prince Edward Island, please do drop a line in the comments and let me know if you loved it as much as I did x

I adore it in this part of the world.


Like a little culture with that coffee? Travel in Quebec

Like a little culture with that coffee? Travel in Quebec


We’ve just come from the charming province of Quebec where we were based in Montreal, but took a day-tour to beautiful old Quebec City.

Montreal is colourful and artistic, known for its majestic churches, the Olympic Stadium, fun festivals, vast underground shopping city (for when the weather is a little nippy (that is, literally freezing!), and as being home to Cirque du Soleil. It is also the world’s second largest French-speaking city!

In fact, I didn’t really feel like I was in Canada in Montreal! We were told that Montreal is somewhat like the ‘Melbourne’ of Canada, and I think that’s true if you’re taking into account the city’s prevalent art and music scene. It’s a little older than Melbourne though (obviously), and one of the city’s coolest hotspots is actually its most aged: The ‘Old Town’, filled with fabulous old (French) architecture, quaint pubs, and Poutine shops.

Oh, and Poutine – well let me just tell you this is one of my new favourite things – fries, cheese and gravy – oh my! Travel in Quebec is divine!
Quebec and Montreal

I quite liked Montreal for its ‘interesting’ factor: There are dozens of amazing museums here, covering everything from contemporary to fine arts, ancient history, artefacts, dance and modern history – whatever you can think of really. We were lucky enough to test-run an economical City Museums Pass which entitles the holder to unlimited entry to all museums, public transport and special offers. A steal if you’re in the city! Our pick of such attractions would be the Biodome – an environmentally regulated indoor menagerie of plants and animals – including monkeys!

We were also lucky enough to strike the city during a celebration dubbed PopFest, which just so happened to culminate in a massive (I’m talking 80,000 revellers in the street outside our hotel) free street party/concert – full sound, stages, lighting, food and drink stands, port-a-loos and headlining act, the hugely popular Canadian group, Arcade Fire, on Thursday night. Amazing!

Travel in Quebec and Montreal

We didn’t rave on ‘til the crack of dawn with the locals though, because on Friday we were up bright and early, set for our adventure to historic Quebec City where history and modernity coexist harmoniously. I’d seen this place once, live on Channel 9 (Australia) when the breakfast show broadcast live from Quebec for a week. Ever since I’ve been keen to see it for myself. Turns out the sweet fairytale-esque town was actually falling into disrepair a few decades ago, but following the discovery of some very old, very important artefacts under a cathedral in the city centre, money was spent to restore the buildings to their former romantic state.

Now visitors can roam the winding roads and along the waterfront, admiring old homes and shops (some streets inspired by the English, the rest French), inspecting local artwork (a prominent industry here) and huge outdoor murals, and enjoying some local cuisine in between shopping up a storm on locally-made products. Quebec City again adds to the aforementioned ‘interesting’ factor in that its primary industries are tourism, government, agriculture and what they call the ‘economy of knowledge’. In fact, the region is renowned worldwide for offering the foremost research and technology into areas like psychology, oncology, infectious diseases, aerospace sciences and even the study of actuary!

Travel in Quebec and Montreal

I was somewhat expecting a little more of ‘Europe’ in Quebec, especially Quebec City, but the intriguing thing is that the city is a true mixture of its historical influences. Like Montreal, Quebec City was settled and raised by the English, French, Scottish and Irish. It’s a culture mash-up of grand proportions – a place where there is a Changing of the Guard ceremony that is commanded in French, and a grand statue of Joan of Arc stands within proper English gardens! Some streets look English; some French.

Quebec City is alluring to the traveller’s imagination, having been lovingly and carefully restored to look as it did several hundred years ago, and the fact that French is being spoken all around simply adds to the thrill. Montreal itself is undergoing a renaissance of sorts, with much of the inner city being cleaned up, rebuilt and remodelled (one nice example is that of a new cultural centre which is presently being built near The Marriott on Saint Catherine Street).

All in all, an interesting ‘Canadian’ experience – unexpected in a way, because I really didn’t feel like I was in Canada – the one I’m familiar with anyway; fascinating nonetheless, to see how this only-French-speaking region in North America (and one of the earliest settlements on this continent) has evolved over the past few centuries.

Loved our travel in Quebec, but now we’re off to PEI (yay!)

We adore Canada and believe it’s one of the most countries places in the world.


By Sarah Blinco


USA and Canada top travel tips and sites

USA and Canada top travel tips and sites

I thought it pertinent to stop by with a few quick tips based on our experiences because in all honesty, I’ve spent hours researching how to travel this side of the world on a budget.

I always thought it would be quite simple to ‘backpack’ through North America. Unfortunately it is much more expensive than I had anticipated, and the spaces between places we want to visit is much more vast than I originally understood. Cooper Dawson travel America

For example, it’s been a struggle to find a way to get out of Prince Edward Island (Canada) that is time or cost-effective (time over, I would have done this location first, then booked a flight long before to get a good rate; or taken a train out across to Montreal, rather than doing Toronto and Montreal first).

Also, the theory that it is ‘cheaper and more efficient’ to fly rather than ‘train’ or ‘bus’ it here is true. I’ve literally spent hours (if not weeks) investigating numerous possible routes and paths through to various cities, as well as accommodation options.

USA and Canada top travel tips and sites

a) Greyhound services are not great (that’s putting it mildly).

b) Amtrak services aren’t that terrific either – but I suppose I’ve been a bit spoilt for choice in Europe and the UK because the rail services there are excellent.

c) Hiring a car is more difficult than you would expect – if you want to hire a car in one place and drop it off in another, the prices are exorbitant, which defeats the purpose in the end.

Hiring a car isn’t such a bad option if you are happy to travel in a loop, back to the original destination. If you’re driving and want to camp, some mates made us aware of which offers details on free places you may set up camp. Sarah Blinco travel America

d) I always compare reviews on sites, and if in general the reviews address your individual requirements (eg. we don’t mind if somewhere is a bit older, as long as it is clean and close to public transport) then the place is probably worth a go.

I’ve found accommodation to be very expensive, especially in cities like Toronto, New York, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, so shop around and compare. I have generally been flicking between,, and comparing reviews on these sites against I’ve also begun adding reviews in on properties – it’s only fair to share your experience with others who may benefit in the future, and also to give a ‘thumbs up’ to properties that deserve a good review.

e) Throughout America I’ve found that Southwest Airlines is pretty good value (price and baggage). We also had a fantastic experience flying AirTransat (operates budget flights between Europe and Canada).

Alternatively I’ll shop around for flights on Also we’ve found to advertise inexpensive flights that are booked out – only you find this out after inputting credit card details and regardless of a message to say you’re not charged, I have random ‘tax’ charges on my credit card for transactions that were ‘cancelled’ which I’m yet to follow up.

f) Finally, if you’re in Canada, ViaRail is a decent option – relatively inexpensive, and even the economy seats are pretty good – large, there’s a power supply for computers etc. and on most journeys there is WiFi. The food car is reasonably priced too, but I’d still advise taking some of your own snacks.

In summary, probably best to choose a section of North America and travel it ‘bit at a time’, as it has proved an expensive exercise to hop from one side to the other. Still, keep saving because regardless of higher prices we adore this part of the world!

We love travelling around America and Canada! So fun and diverse.
By Sarah Blinco


Toronto and Niagara Falls top travel tips

Toronto and Niagara Falls top travel tips

Sitting on the coach and on the way to our second Canadian stop, Montreal – we’re aboard a Megabus (great discount group over this way, also in the UK) and am pretty pleased with the free WiFi – can now catch up on my blogging.

We’ve spent the past few days in Toronto, a place where, in all honesty, I always wanted to visit but more for the sake of what has been filmed here rather than for the city itself. For some reason I imagined Toronto to be something like a concrete jungle but I was quite wrong: it’s actually a very colourful, multicultural and beautiful spot, brimming with great cuisine and culture. Toronto is set on the banks of the vast Lake Ontario, so big (similar to Lake Michigan off Chicago) that it looks like the ocean.

Toronto, Canada
Toronto and Niagara Falls top travel tips

The famous Toronto Film Festival had just wrapped up when we arrived. This year the event attracted the likes of George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Keira Knightley, so there’s an excited buzz in the air! My personal ‘excited buzz’ however, was when we inadvertently passed filming for one of my fave shows of the moment, Nikita (and yes, for anyone who cares I did also love the ’90s version La Femme Nikita which was filmed in Toronto too), as well as filming for the remake of Total Recall which this time around stars the fabulous Colin Farrell. We spotted Nikita filming within an hour of arrival, which was awesome; and Total Recall on Saturday morning featured a huge futuristic car mounted in the air in front of green screens (as well as several guards surrounding the block who had their eyes on me… ;-).

On Saturday we wandered around the delightfully chic Bloor-Yorkville precinct and then along the world-famous Yonge Street (formerly listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest street in the world), essentially one of the ‘main roads’ into the city which is brimming with every kind of business. Once we made it to the waterfront we decided to take a ferry 15 minutes across Lake Ontario to what is known as Toronto Island – a peaceful oasis of parkland, small amusement park with an animal farm, cafes, restaurants, ducks and bird life, rivers, lakes all the way through to beach-front on the other side of the island. This trip was delightful, a mere $6.50 return and is worthwhile for the photo opportunities alone.

Having viewed the iconic CN Tower from the island ferry, we decided to take a look ‘downtown’ to inspect it further. The impressive structure was actually completed in 1976 and was at the time the world’s tallest building. Surrounding the CN Tower in downtown Toronto are other fun attractions such as Rogers Centre (stadium) and the Steam Whistle Brewing House which we toured – it’s only polite to sample premium local pilsner (especially when it’s as nice as this!): Highly recommended experience and an interesting local company built on the old grounds of an original Roundhouse that was originally used to repair and clean steam locomotives.

Toronto and Niagara Falls top travel tips

Exploring Toronto under a warm autumn (or ‘fall’, as they say here) sun proved to be a really lovely experience. The city is entertaining and enjoyable – everything from the food to the filming, parks, shopping, unique attractions and even the beer. The city is probably better known as being a centre for business in Canada than anything else, but we’ll vouch for its value as a tourist destination too.

The attraction to affirm this point is one that we visited on Sunday, located just a couple of hours from Toronto – the awe-inspiring Niagara Falls, the most powerful waterfalls in North America. These voluminous falls are situated on the Niagara River which drains Lake Erie into Lake Ontario and forms the international border between Ontario (Canada, where we were viewing from) and the US state of New York (which we could see across the other side over the falls). I’d booked another Megabus service to the falls in advance in order to score a great deal on price, but there are numerous tours available from Toronto for anyone who is keen.

The day was sunny and the falls glorious. Riding on the famous Maid of the Mist was a highlight – expect to get wet, but also to laugh like a kid again throughout the ride. As the ferry jigs underneath one of the powerful torrents of water the sky around disappears and rain-like mist envelopes all passengers, at which point we realise why the ferry is named as such. It is fun, and always nice to have the opportunity to enjoy a little bit of nature’s magic. We spent the next few hours exploring the falls, surrounding shopping precincts and we were even cheeky for lunch, adding TGI Fridays Niagara Falls to our growing list of the chain’s restaurants dined at; so far we’ve checked in at TGIs Yokohama, Piccadilly Circus, Covent Garden, Prague, New York and now here. It’s a trashy tradition, but still, it’s one Cooper and I enjoy together.

Definitely a wonderful time all round – but then, it’s Canada so it’s going to be great (yes, I’m a fan).

Toronto and Niagara Falls top travel tips

Toronto and Niagara Falls top travel tips

1. Keep a city map handy and explore Yorkville and Yonge Streets by foot. It’s easy enough to catch the metro back to your accommodation when/if you get tired (approx $3 for a one-way journey).

2. Toronto is actually quite expensive, so take advantage of supermarkets if you find them. Staying in an apartment or even a nicer hostel such as All Days is a pretty good idea too – is nice to be able to utilise a kitchen – save your money for adventures.

3. Day trip (or overnight) to Niagara Falls.

4. The CN Tower is a must-see, along with the entertainment district downtown.

5. If you have some warmth and sun why not take a day at the beach? Toronto’s waterfront overlooking Lake Ontario is fantastic; alternatively head across to the gorgeous Toronto Island for your pick of parkland, river-side picnic space or sandy beach.

We adore Canada and believe it’s one of the most beautiful countries in the world.


By Sarah Blinco
That’s all folks – goodbye London Fields

That’s all folks – goodbye London Fields



Well, that’s it then.

After all that it appears it may already be over. In case you hadn’t figured it out, I’m writing this on my last morning in the UK. I never thought that on my way towards Canada (my ultimate travel destination) I’d feel despondent; I feel a bit like a broken-hearted girlfriend not ready to let it all go. Moving to England had its challenges and certainly it took us a good six months to settle in. Overcoming it all is part of the ultimate achievement though; in April we found a ‘home’ in a chic London Fields neighbourhood, settled in, the weather was sweet and I fell a little in love with London.

Apparently all good things must come to an end and although I’m grateful to finally get to travel to Canada again, I am sad to think it might a long while before I return to my ‘mother-land’ (which originally I had joked about, but I literally just discovered the sentiment to be true in a cool twist of history this week). Here is a land where I’ve fitted in, where the shopping is great, the people fun, surroundings energetic, buildings like The Tower of London are old and amazing and history of The Tudors and co. are everywhere in a contemporary setting, media and travel opportunities abound, and the pub culture is something that I actually enjoy…

Isn’t it ironic when you feel more at home somewhere else than ‘home’. Sounds like a song.

In preparation for this day, I’d compiled a list of my favourite things about England, specifically London. So, in celebration of the good times (which more often than not were at Bar Soho with our mates Nicole and Iain, Janice and Craig or the Fairbairn’s) I give you:


The things I love most about living here (ongoing list compiled 2010/2011):

1.It’s so cool (weather-wise) that I can wear my hair out (and grow it)! A simple pleasure but one that is difficult to enjoy in Queensland’s humidity.

2.Being able to wear hats, scarves and boots (special mention to Accessorize, and the accessories at Camden Markets)!

3.Darren Hayes and Gillian Anderson live here – awesome!

4.Seeing dogs bemused by squirrels in the park haha. And on that note, Squirrels score their own mention – I love ‘em. Have you ever noticed how they seem to play in pairs? So cute.

5. Grabbing a Starbucks latte on the way to the Tube.

6.My truly, genuinely nice bunch of Sparkle girls.

7. London Fields, Middleton Road, The Pub on the Park, Broadway Market.

London Fields

8.Dog people – everywhere!

9. Having the opportunity to meet inspiring writers, journalists, and people from all walks in general who are just really good (and accomplished) at what they do.

10.That people say ‘Bless You’: from others outside the UK it sounds a little out of place (except for my mum, she’s cute and has always said this); but many people say ‘Bless You’ affectionately here. I think it’s sweet, and quite ‘English’ in my experience.

And an honorary mention to Tesco, Saisburys, Waitrose, Boots and Superdrug – I miss you already.

It’s with a lump in my throat that I bid farewell to my ‘other’ home, all gloomy weather and grey skies that you generally may be. I hope to see you again sooner than anticipated. In the meantime who knows where we’ll end up? I only hope that the wishes we made upon superstitious monuments in various parts of Europe come true: that we continue to live happy, healthy, inspirational and adventurous lives. But shortly – time for a maple syrup fix! x




History and enchantment at Blencowe Hall, northern England

History and enchantment at Blencowe Hall, northern England

It’s amazing to know that in this day and age – following numerous wars, conflicts, industrial changes and migration to all corners of the world – that a medieval building like Blencowe Hall can be visited by me. Me, an Aussie living in London, coming back home, almost.

I say ‘by me’ because Blencowe Hall belonged to an original ancestor of mine in the Blinco clan.

I had the chance to visit Blencowe Hall because of my ancestral roots. You can actually hire the place for an event. It’s exquisite, set in the countryside just outside of Penrith, UK.

Blencowe Hall – the story

Blencowe Hall is in Blencow, Penrith UKAs two cyclists pause with cameras on the country path border of the gorgeous property I’m dancing excitedly around, I’m proud to say ‘it’s mine’!

Well, sort of.

You see, today we ventured to a village, more precisely a property, Blencowe Hall (pictured above).

‘Blencowe’, as you may have noticed, is quite similar to ‘Blinco’.

If you had figured that far, perhaps you correctly assumed that this is somehow related to me.

Related it is, literally, because over the past few years my family in Australia, along with a dedicated international group has been researching, documenting and sharing our ancestry.

It hails all the way from here – a little place called Blencow in northern England.

A book has even been published on our origins – American and Australian migrants.

It covers our surname variations – Blencow, Blencowe, Blincoe, Blinco.

Blencowe Hall - architecturally fascinating


We’re lucky because our surname is unique and more easily traceable than some.

One popular theory over this side of the world is that a young lad, Robert Blincoe, was actually the ‘real’ Oliver Twist! But I digress from my actual journey which leads me to The Lakes District.

This area is a well-know ‘must-do’ on any UK itinerary.

But it’s a journey that has become a special individual quest as well. What an extraordinary place to find!


Exploring Blencowe Hall

Among other accolades, the property (its owners and architect at time of publishing) won a 2009 Design Award, and in 2010 was an RICS North West winner of a Building Conservation award as supported by the English Heritage Council.

The estate continues to undergo renovations, but is now regularly used for parties, functions, special gatherings and events.

We were lucky enough to enjoy a private viewing.

While it has been restored to the ultimate in chic, original aspects of Blencowe Hall remain both inside and out, including stone staircases, windowsills and fireplaces.

Inside historical Blencowe Hall, Penrith UKFurnishings within complement the old-world feel, with antique wardrobes, dressers and bookshelves completing each room.

Stylish and contemporary fittings are all visitors will find in the bathrooms, kitchen and entertainment areas though.

The main home comprises of a lavish entrance hall, two reception rooms, massive kitchen and pantry.

There are three large levels boasting five bedrooms, a study bedroom, six bathrooms, mature gardens, traditional and modern range of outbuildings (including stables) across 55 hectares.

Inside Blencowe Hall's refurbished old wallsA spectacular dark glazed window over the huge crack in the south tower is the centrepiece of this unique renovation. The project was lovingly embarked upon by the property’s [current] London-based owners who spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on restoring the structure.


Their vision was to transform ruins into a historical kind of luxury.


Location of Blencowe Hall

Blencowe Hall is listed as a Grade 1 fortified medieval manor. It’s undergone ambitious renovations over the past ten years.

Perched atop a bluff above the small river of Peterill, it is surrounded by its own fields and views to the Lakeland Fells.

Blencowe Hall is nearby to the village of Greystoke which is dominated by Greystoke Castle. It’s near a fabulous pub (always important!), the Crown Inn that’s located in the Hamlet of Blencowe. Blencowe Hall is positioned on the very edge of the stunning Lakes District.

Blencowe Hall grounds


The discovery of Roman ruins, gold coins dating back to the reign of James I, artefacts and reportedly the oldest indoor toilets in the region point to the historical interest of this property.


For me though, it’s personal.

Knights and Queens at Blencowe Hall

The people who originally lived here and ran the estate are, we’ve recently discovered, my family.

Sir Henry de Blencowe was one of the most prominent members of my ancestors to live here.

Having served twice as High Sheriff of Cumberland, in 1617 he was knighted (fab!) by King James I.

Evidently there was some scandal surrounding this knighthood, but that’s ok – it’s not my place to query and am happy to have knights in my family ;-)


Another interesting link is ‘The Nine Days Queen’ angle.

Anthony Blencowe was the sixth generation of the family at Blencowe Hall. He married Winnifred Dudley who was a relation of Lord Guildford Dudley, the husband of Lady Jane Grey  (that is, the ill-fated Queen of England for nine days).

Her connection to Blencowe Hall is recalled in a dedication over the main entrance in the Central Range.

It’s thought to have been inscribed by Sir Henry Blencowe during extensive renovations of the property in the late 1500s.

The inscription is in Latin but is said to read:

Live still to die, that you by death may purchase eternal life.”

It’s a sentiment Lady Jane wrote to her sister the night before her sad end.

English history at Blencowe Hall


Alas, poor Lady Jane was caught up in the whole ‘King Edward VI (15-years-old) nominating her to be Queen before he died’ affair.

Mary (his half sister, soon-to-turn-a-bit-crazy-on-England, and daughter of Henry VIII) was not pleased at this declaration and managed to take the throne in the end.

Consequently Lady Jane ended up beheaded, along with Lord Dudley.

Interestingly (and on a similar thread), Robert Dudley, a later descendant of the Dudley family, is thought to have Royal connections.

He was one of Queen Elizabeth I’s favourite suitors. How exciting – just like an episode of The Tudors!

English history at Blencowe Hall - Adam de Blencowe


At the beginning

Most importantly in relation to Blencowe Hall, the original who made it all happen was a gentleman by the name of Adam de Blencowe

He is the earliest traceable ancestor of our family and founder of the lands we visit here.

Adam’s estate was gradually built up in the area through the 1300s primarily thanks to gifts of land received for ‘loyal service’ from King Edward III.

Adam was actually knighted too, and granted a coat of arms. How extraordinary to think of this lifetime long ago that I’m linked to! A fascinating world of knights, manors, legends and romance. Actually, I made the romance bit up, but I’m sure it’s in there somewhere…

Another amazing historical fact: during excavation work in the area, archaeologists found an ancient Roman drainage system.

It ran from the main courtyard area of Blencowe Hall, under the north tower and out into the garden. This was measured, recorded and left intact under the new floors because it is working just as well now as it ever did!

Ullswater Lakes District around Blencowe Hall


Elsewhere around the area

Rain dissipating (finally) and sun emerging, we bid farewell to my own Downtown Abbey… er, sorry, Blencowe Hall, and zoomed off down the M6 towards Windermere.

Here you’ll find the most gorgeous (and largest) lake in England. This region around Windermere is famous for inspiring writers like William Wordsworth and Beatrix Potter.

I have to admit, after visiting the quaint village with its water activities, cute dogs and bird-life, ice-cream shops and sweet local gift shops I was definitely in an inspired mood.

We headed back towards Penrith via scenic winding back roads, past the equally pretty lake-land precinct of Ullswater, across rolling green hills lined with mysterious stone walls and dotted with old homes and pubs.

A fabulous, interesting, intriguing and uniquely lovely day.

Be inspired to visit the region – view our Flickr album from Blencowe Hall and the Lakes District. 

Lakes District near Blencowe Hall


Getting there train from Edinburgh, Manchester or London to Penrith.

Blencowe Hall is available to book or view by appointment.


Why stay in Penrith?

This Cumbrian market town is well-served by transport from all over the UK. It’s a quaint, historical spot to stop and within easy driving (or train) distance of all The Lakes District attractions including Blencowe Hall, Windermere and Ullswater.



The Roundthorn, Penrith for its large lovely rooms, scenic views, fantastic service, delicious breakfast and free WiFi.


Getting around

Cabs are simple and reasonable here, but for exploration of the Lakes District try Enterprise rent-a-car. They offered us pick-up + drop-off service (with a smile) and an economical deal. More on: 01768 893840 or