I arrived yesterday and am quickly discovering how much I’d love to spend more time in Athens Greece. It’s my first time here and already I wish I had longer, although am planning to return soon.
Athens beckoned as the city is hosting TBEX Europe – the “Future of Travel Media” travel blogging conference, which I also attended in Dublin last year.
We enjoyed glorious sunshine yesterday – a marvellous setting for spending time in Athens Greece.
Even though I was weary from an extremely early start and a few minor airline dilemmas, I was determined to get out and explore because the next few days – aside from being busy – unfortunately threaten rain. Am hoping iPhone weather will be wrong as it often is.
After finding my accommodation, I ventured outside to take a look around, using a combination of walking, navigating the local metro and finally (as I grew confused and tired) taking advantage of the old faithful, Big Red Hop on Hop off coach, that was circling the city.
As unadventurous as it sounds, Cooper and I do enjoy participating in this kind of tour because if you’re short on time and energy, it’s an easy way to get your bearings in a city and to identify where you’d like to go back to for a better look later.
What I love so far is that Athens feels like a city brimming with character.
There are gorgeous squares and green spaces, a chic coffee and dining culture, and cool European types all over the place.
Obviously it is steeped in history. Athens is one of the oldest cities in the world, after all.
There’s nothing like the thrill of seeing extraordinary sites like the Acropolis and Parthenon outside of the pages of a book.
You can watch or read about the famous things to do and see in Athens in all manner of travel guides and documentaries.
For the moment, I’d like to share my personal impressions on Athens travel:
Spend time in Athens Greece: wanderlust top 7 travel
the not-so-obvious things to love about the city
1. It’s noisy and busy, sure, but I’ve found Athenians to be polite
Apparently pedestrians do not rule here, however, cab drivers consistently stopped to let me cross roads which I thought was polite.
At one stage though, I did wave courteously to thank the driver and I think he thought I was hailing a ride – oopsy!
When I was on the sight-seeing bus too, many people in cars or on bikes waved at passengers on board, and to me it came across as if they wanted us to know we should feel welcome.
2. Enjoying espresso slowly
I’m not sure what it is about Europe, but I ditch the usual lattes here and head straight for the mini hit of caffeine.
Unlike in Australia or the UK where you’re always on the go, here it is just “right” to be.
It’s almost instinctive to stop, sip slowly and watch the fascinating world go by.
I’ve spotted numerous squares where people appear to congregate over coffee for a chat – all surrounded by interesting buildings, nice sculptures and landscaping.
On the coffee note too, I read this morning that frappés (coffee, milk, sugar and water) are the thing here. It’s now on my agenda for this afternoon’s adventures… when in Rome! er, I mean, Athens.
Also, if you’re indulging in a more traditional hot coffee, you do not need to drink the bottom part of the it.
Often Greek coffee is made the traditional way, boiled on hot sand – you need to “let the dust settle… and only drink the liquid part” [City Guide].
3. Character
Certainly, the hilly streets are haphazard in design, there are cracks that might trip you up, and everything is pretty much written in Greek, but that all adds to the character of the place.
I find the streets and alleys intriguing (as long as I’m not getting lost), and I also felt somehow drawn to many of the colourful gratified walls, interestingly designed and sometimes slightly shabby (I mean this affectionately) doors and archways, as well as the residential roof gardens.
The city is full of life. Understandably Athens is a place that comes across as “well lived in”, but I feel the magic in that sentiment as I meander around town.
4. The opportunity to communicate beyond words
On the topic of getting lost, yes, my innate instinct is always to go the wrong way, but I can surely be forgiven for being a little confused during my first moments in a foreign city where the language is not my own.
I made it as far as the nearest metro station to my hotel, and from there needed help. The “two minute walk from the metro station” is pretty much accurate – but which way?
As it turns out, it may be left or right out of the station, then left or right down a street longer than I’d anticipated and right onto another main and busy road. With zero access to Google Maps, it was down to old fashioned communication to get me to my final destination.
I found the spot after about twenty five minutes and querying five people along the way.
My discovery was (and continues to be) that the locals here are not “over-sharers” of information, but this could be due to the language barrier, so keep asking questions until you understand (or find someone else to help).
For example, when I asked for assistance at the airport regarding which train to take, I was pointed in the direction of the entry to the train station. “Yes I see that, but which train, which platform?” I had to prompt. And when I arrived at my destination, the instruction towards my hotel was, “outside”. Yep, figured that out!
When I got outside however, it was the local store owners who helped me so kindly, albeit in Greek, but that made the positive end-result all the sweeter. One older gentleman managing a florist wasn’t 100 per cent on the address I showed him, so he rounded up his neighbours for clarification, and then explained to me using hand gestures how to navigate the lane-ways in order to find my accommodation. As did a couple of other people I encountered along my quest de la hotel.
During the morning, prior to arriving in Greece, I came into contact with some extraordinarily rude, grumpy and bitter-with-the-world people (either that, or they were totally not “morning people”); the locals here changed my day simply by proving to be friendly and helpful, despite a language barrier.
5. It’s an easy place to practice ‘travel mindfulness’
I noticed yesterday that I was taking everything in without much thought – ‘travel mindfulness‘, if you will.
It was all an ‘experience’; the sights, smells, quirks and charms all became part of one blissful travel adventure.
If there’s one lesson I try to pass on, it’s “don’t judge”. It comes with practice, confidence and time, and a willingness to embrace the “unfamiliar”, but I hear so many tourists of all ages complaining about this and that around the world (“too noisy”, “too expensive”, “too crowded”, “too untidy”), and I wonder, seriously, if “it’s better at home”, stay there!
There’s beauty in all things and I’m surprised by how much I enjoyed my first encounter with Athens despite being tired and apprehensive I’d get lost.
That said, if you can’t appreciate a place like this – 7000 years old, the birthplace of Western civilisation and aptly named after the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, then that’s certainly a shame.
6. I discovered a reason I should move here
During the summer it’s customary to enjoy a siesta for a couple of hours, 3pm to 5pm; eating large lunches is encouraged as is staying up late and having a good time.
If only more people in the world had this attitude, happiness might spread further, I reckon.
7. Celebrity-endorsed style
Cheese and wine are also important aspects of the culture (yes, please!) and it would be easy to simply hang out here and try all the renowned restaurants, sky bars, beach side cafes, and then dance it off in a popular club.
Alas I don’t have time, but I will let you know that I found out Ethan Hawke, Meryl Streep, Oliver Stone, Hugh Jackman, Pierce Brosnan, Bruce Willis and Moby, among others, have all spent time enjoying a venue called Island, a cosmopolitan seafront haunt that I feel I might have to make a cameo in at some stage too.
That’s it for now – I aim to visit more of the city and of course get up close and personal with ancient bits and pieces, plus fit in some shopping (hopefully Cooper doesn’t read this far…).
If you have an Athens travel tip, please drop me a line in the comments below.
Even the best laid travel plans can not 100 per cent predict the weather. So what’s a travelling fashionista to do when faced with unpredictable climate and strict luggage limits? Pack well.
Katrina Barry, very frequent traveller and Managing Director of travel icon Contiki, shares her top tips with TLL for a fashionable and functional packing job.
5 Packing Tips For Travelling Fashionistas
Go big on accessories, light on main items:Jeans, tops, skirts and dresses all take up valuable space in your shopping bag, I mean suitcase. Pick only a few durable pieces (avoid patterns as you’ll only want to wear them once or twice) that can be mixed and matched then teamed with space-saving accessories such as scarves and statement necklaces. You’ll come across looking like you never wear the same thing twice!
Shoes. Be ruthless:While this is an area I struggle with myself, I cannot stress enough how important it is to only take the necessities. To clarify, necessities are a nice pair of flats or sandals (replace these with boots if going into colder climates), a good pair of walking shoes and some dress shoes for special nights. Anything additional is overdoing it and will likely go unworn while taking up precious space.
Easy pack hat: Because there is nothing stylish about sunburn, and besides, a cute fedora or straw sun hat can really add that je ne sais quoi to an outfit. But don’t just stash any old bendable brim in your bag. There are plenty of brands that are creating stylish hats that can be rolled, folded or balled up then bounce back into shape. One of these is definitely worth investing in.
Pack items you wouldn’t mind ditching:You may not be planning to shop on your trip, but when faced with those items you just could not find at home, many of us crumble. I often pack items that I don’t mind wearing, but also wouldn’t mind ditching so I can follow a one-in, one-out rule when space becomes an issue. If travelling with a group, ask your Trip Manager where you can donate any unwanted items, or find out from the concierge at your hotel.
You have carry-on allowance. Use it: Sure, you may not want to be weighed down in your stop overs by carrying extra items, but a small backpack or overnight bag with a few extra wardrobe options can really come in handy. Bonus tip: pack your favourite and most functional travel wear in your carry on, just in case your luggage arrives at your destination after you!
Got a tip to add? Drop us a line in the comments below…
I – like many of you, I’m sure – am often approached on platforms like LinkedIn, MeetUp or even via email, and asked questions about media, magazines, social media… I’m usually very happy to help – what goes around comes around.
Sometimes however, when I receive a poorly worded, unresearched note that does not contain polite basics like a please or thank you, or even my name spelled correctly, I do feel like ignoring it. Indeed just this weekend I followed up a person who cold-contacted me online to ask about magazine publishing in a rather brash fashion. I did give the benefit of the doubt, and replied straight away as I happened to have a moment to spare on receipt of his initial note; but would you believe, no thank you in reply. Nothing. When I messaged a few days later to ask if he’d received it ok, prompting a, “yes thank you” (or an opportunity for me to let him know that he really needs to work on being more professional in his approach), I received a barrage of other questions back – many of which he could discover answers for by researching just a little bit in the first place.
Instead of focussing on the negative though, I’d like to highlight the messages my colleagues and I do enjoy replying to. They are messages where spelling is checked, some amount of research is obvious, there’s evidence they know who we are and what we do, and they are composed in a succinct, polite and grateful manner.
You’ll find most professionals are happy to help with ideas, mentoring and advice, whether they be editors, bloggers, publishers, producers, performers, entrepreneurs or any other type of business or service provider. There is an etiquette to cold-contacting someone you don’t know on LinkedIn, Twitter, MeetUp, via email etc. Here are my tips on rules for approaching a professional online about business and life advice:
5 Rules for approaching a professional online about business and life advice or opportunities
1. Be diplomatic, not demanding. Perhaps it doesn’t sound like it in your head, but re-read your correspondence (or better still, have someone check it for you) before you press “send”, to ensure your language is coming across as pleasant, not pushy. Keep it short and to the point. Ask reasonable, sensible questions – it’s not up to the person on the other end to give you the Cliffs Notes on whatever you’re aiming to embark on. That is, I’ve basically been asked in the past, “Start from the beginning – I want to create a lifestyle and fashion magazine, how do I write and publish it?” This is information we take years to learn and build on; as much as I’d like to help, you’ll need to do a little bit more research and training than that.
2. Do your research. If you’re approaching a professional for advice, they’ll spot a mile off whether you’re serious, interested and passionate about your purpose, simply by the language you use and the information shared. Yes, of course it’s tempting to seek short-cuts to making a million (or more) off that awesome idea you’ve just had, but, if you’re ignorant about the topic you’re approaching a pro for advice on, it will shine through. Researching the topic will mean you do not come across as a time-waster, and it would be a shame to lose not only a potential mentor, but respect in the industry, simply because the short-cut option (no research and straight to cold-contacting on LinkedIn) is the one you went for. If you do not want or mean to come across as unprofessional, reconsider your cold-contact approach, and know your subject/passion (as you should, if you’re aiming to build a career out of it).
3. Be respectful. People are busier than ever these days. You can show respect by being strategic with the carefully considered questions you ask, by keeping your correspondence polite and succinct, and by demonstrating you have a genuine interest in what you’re talking or asking about. Assuming you’re liaising with a professional in that field, you can be fairly sure they will be enthusiastic about the topic too – if you demonstrate you are, chances are they’ll consider that you’re “one of them”, and be happy to help if they can spare the time. On the respect note too, it’s always a good idea to provide some kind of link, profile image or bio about who you are – that is, I thought it was quite rude to be approached by someone on one of our most common social platforms with a barrage of questions, but no profile picture, no bio or background on who they are. If you’re attempting to network and gain expert advice from a professional you’ve identified online, it’s no good to be operating anonymously (read: highly unprofessional).
4. Be in allowance of the response you may or may not receive. With so many demands on our lives today – both in the office and at home – I can tell you from personal experience and from knowing how my friends operate, lots of people have good intentions to reply with advice or an offer of help, but sometimes it just doesn’t or can’t happen for whatever reason. A non-reply or slow one isn’t always about you (particularly if you’ve been polite, succinct and professional in your approach). That said, you’ve got nothing to lose by reaching out to people for advice, just please consider the other points – basic business and communication etiquette – I’ve made here when you do so.
5. Be grateful. Time is precious and if you are asking for someone else’s advice or insight (especially in the instance where you don’t know them), that’s a big ask – it’s time you’re actually asking for. Don’t take it for granted just because you can quite simply open up a dialogue box on the computer, type in a message and hit “send”. The digital world has opened up so many wonderful portals for seeking advice, growing networks and learning about anything we desire. If you use it wisely, you have the potential to go far.
In the end, consider the same rules as you would for networking in person. That is, you would usually politely introduce yourself, succinctly sell what you’re all about (remember the “30 second elevator pitch”), show your enthusiasm and interest in the person/what they do, and diplomatically ask carefully-considered questions; then you would say thank you.
What’s your experience been with asking or receiving questions via digital platforms? I’d love to know what you think about rules for approaching a professional online about business or life advice – drop me a line in the comments below.
There’s no better time to look towards a fresh start than spring time. It’s the perfect opportunity to spring clean your house, mind and life. Whether it is spring where you live or not however, you can take action with these five easy ways to spring clean your life, starting now!
De-clutter your home
Let’s start this journey by focusing on the space that you wake up to each morning – your home. A household that is messy and in disarray can cause added stress to your life.
Clear out your wardrobes and cupboards. Wash blinds and curtains, wipe the dust from walls and surfaces. Clean out the pantry, removing winter comfort food and stocking it with healthy choices.
Make your space beautiful – a new rug, cushions, candle or even fresh flowers can dramatically change the energy of a room. The chi (energy) within your home will flow better. Create an environment that uplifts your spirits.
Clear your mind
Your mental health is boosted when you de-clutter. This involves dealing with anxiety, stress, worry and other negative emotions.
Many of us hold onto negative emotions such as jealousy, anger, hatred, worry or fear. These emotions don’t add anything to your life and are detrimental to your health and wellbeing. Stop giving your energy away to someone else and focus on giving it back to you.
Clear your schedule
It’s time to clear your diary and make time for priorities. To follow your dreams and live the life you want, you need to make time for things that are important to you.
Push beyond your comfort zone, the easier path isn’t always the right way for our higher learning and growth. Maybe it’s time to take the road less travelled. Engage in activities you’ve never done before, are passionate or curious about, or that fulfil a purpose or dream.
Time is precious and valuable, make every minute count by making time work for you. Plant the seeds today for a better tomorrow.
Don’t sweat the small stuff
With our busy lifestyles, we are too stressed to deal with the things that make us feel stressed! It could be our overwhelming to-do list, or the constant mind chatter that preoccupies our thoughts.
A calmer presence can be found when you stop over-analysing everything, become less rigid and ‘go with the flow’.
Smile yourself out of a bad mood. Your brain cannot tell the difference between a posed smile and a genuine one – they have the same result.
Detox your relationships
Moods are infectious, and are not only affected by our own emotions and inner conflicts, but also by those whose company we keep.
Toxic relationships zap your energy (in my clinic, the term I use is energy vampires). Don’t underestimate how much energy vampires can affect not only your mood, but your self-esteem.
By embracing change and letting go of the stagnant energy in your life, you create space and invite possibility, fulfilment, adventure and the opportunity to follow your dreams. Make the all-important decision to detoxify and de-clutter in all aspects of your life. There’s no better time than spring time.
About the writer Luke Sheedy is a gifted life advisor, motivator and free thinker. He combines his metaphysical talents to advise clients on their natural strengths, talents and abilities. Luke helps release what is holding you back, so growth can occur and your life’s plan can unfold naturally.
It’s a haven for foodies, market-lovers and families – The Grounds in Alexandria is one of the hottest café spots to experience and workout your tastebuds in Sydney. Located in an old pie factory from the 1900’s, The Grounds is now a whimsical secret garden that has a rustic/industrial feel. From the outside you never expect such a sanctuary to exist – a lovely surprise making you feel like a kid in a candy store, wide-eyed and excited to explore. On any given weekend The Grounds is jam-packed with visitors, especially over the ‘holiday weekends’ which hosts sprawling market stalls and live music.
Here’s why it’s a perfect spot to check out – explore The Grounds of Alexandria
Kevin Bacon calls it home
Unfortunately not the actor, but The Grounds has its own Kevin Bacon celebrity – a lovable pig who made headlines all over the country for being kidnapped last year. He is now safely back home and can be seen lapping up the attention in his barn. Along with Kevin Bacon, there are sheep, chickens, ducks, rabbits and more in the petting zoo area.
Greenhouse garden dining
For a dining experience that’ll make you feel like you’re in a greenhouse garden, drop by The Potting Shed. With hanging plants, flowerpots and garden tools everywhere, this venue is one of a kind. It also features a funky bar offering an extensive cocktail list and wine menu. The venue even has its own resident pet, Fluffy, a magnificent blue and yellow macaw that is perched freely on top of its cage and playing happily amongst the diners. What’s great about The Potting Shed is it’s open till midnight and the food is scrumptious, and surprisingly well priced. Some highlight dishes include the steamed black mussels, bite-sized pork-belly buns and buttermilk popcorn chicken. On the beverage side be sure to try a cocktail – my drink of choice is the Toiler’s Tonic.
Coffee is their passion
The Grounds is renowned for its coffee and it would be a sin if you didn’t get your caffeine fix here. With a coffee research and testing facility on-site – they mean serious business when it comes to brewing the perfect cup of coffee. Sourcing the finest beans from all over the world including Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia and India, The Grounds constantly change blends (largely determined by seasonality) to ensure the best-flavoured coffee is produced.
Tip: While waiting for a table at The Potting Shed, grab a coffee and sit in the main garden area.
Eat your heart out
On premises is the Salt Meats Cheese venue, a warehouse-style delicatessen offering the finest products stocked sky-high – from olives, antipasto, dips, truffles, prosciutto, cheeses, jams, gelato, pasta and more. It’s a gourmet foodie’s dream but it doesn’t stop there, with Italian cooking classes also available to indulge in. Each weekend they run classes in making fresh pasta and ravioli, woodfire oven pizzas (matched with a glass of wine) and mozzarella. It’s a great activity for families, friends and groups – bound to produce a lot of laughs and tasty treats in the process.
Find The Grounds of Alexandria at Building 7A/2 Huntley Street, Alexandria
Have you explored The Grounds of Alexandria? Tell us what you think.
About the writer
Danielle Muller (@stuffitgotravel) is a Sydney-based travel blogger and communications professional. Follow her travel adventures, stories and recommendations at stuffitgotravelling.com.
Has a song ever inspired you to travel? Or alternatively, do you relate a particular track (or even album) to a travel experience? I remember on my first big trip ever when my brother and I headed over to North America and Canada, I had a really good listen to Savage Garden’s Affirmation as we journeyed across British Columbia on board the SkyTrain. The beautiful anthems behind some of the tracks on the album formed a soundtrack which set the scene for me: stunning snow-capped mountains reaching into rainy skies, vast woods broken into parts by deep, eerie lakes, and a spectacular evolving landscape of green, aqua and earthy tones which rolls beyond Vancouver’s city limits. It sticks in my mind and is often something I call upon when reflecting on my most memorable travel experiences; and of course, any time I hear that music I’m transported back to the SkyTrain within a drizzly yet sublime space in time. Music and travel – such a special combination.
A few years ago too, Cooper and I were sitting in a bar in Barcelona – ironically, an Aussie-themed establishment called Hogans. As we ordered tapas and gazed happily upon Las Ramblas in the centre of a wonderful city we’ve come to love, we heard Olly Murs’ Troublemaker for the first time. We liked it instantly, but aside from generally enjoying the song’s fun melody, it was from then on always associated with an adventure en España.
Music and travel – is it just me?
These are a mere two of my examples, so it’s unsurprising that I was intrigued when travel website, Wotif, sent me survey results to consider which touched upon other travellers’ emotive music and travel experiences. They found that while only 39 per cent of participants surveyed said a song had actually inspired them to make real plans to travel, 77 per cent said that emotions brought about by music do generate a desire to get out into the world. Interestingly the tops songs with this impact included Leaving On a Jet Plane (Jen Denver), New York, New York (Frank Sinatra), On the Road Again (Willie Nelson) and another ode to NYC which yes, often makes me feel like catching a flight to JFK, Empire State of Mind (Jay-Z and Alicia Keys).
The survey also found that particular cities or destinations most pined for following musical triggers are New York, Australia, California, America and Paris.
Indeed, 54 per cent of survey participants said they associate a particular song with a holiday memory and 99 per cent of respondents said this was a good thing, that is, a nice memory association to keep hold of.
It seems most travellers associate songs with either an epic road trip or adventure (25 per cent), partying the night away (22 per cent – we’ve all done it!), ticking something off the ‘bucket list’ (13 per cent) or finding love (7 per cent).
What’s your story? Drop us a line in the comments below with a song, artist or album which either inspires you to travel or reminds you of a wonderful adventure.
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