In my opinion, TBEX never fails to deliver, and this year I thought the calibre of speakers was particularly high, sharing the best travel blog ideas and content tips of the year.
I have an Evernote-file overflowing with travel blog ideas, tips and tricks, and as part of my post-event review process, I’ve summarised the best take-aways below. I hope you find it helpful.
The best of travel blog ideas and content tips – take note:
Ian Cleary on influence
I’ve followed Ian’s work for a few years now (actually, had a nice chat with him back in 2012 at TBEX Dublin).
His content (via Razor Social) is super helpful and he’s renowned for sharing the best social tools of the trade and really great content.
In his keynote which opened TBEX Europe 2016, he told us that if there’s one thing to focus on (among the plethora of things we know we ‘should’ be doing), it is to build your influence online.
By this, he means for content creators to really think about the niche we’re working within, identify other influencers in that niche and interact with them on social media, blogs and even at conferences.
Follow them around (in a non-creepy way) and network.
Another tip he shared was to really make sure your ‘about’ page and subsequent pitches on ‘you’ include ‘evidence’ on your work in the form of things like testimonials, statistics, case studies or your ‘brand’s reputation’.
Matt Kepnes (aka Nomadic Matt) on improving e-marketing newsletters
Matt insists we should always be testing – test travel blog ideas as well as your headlines, content, copy ideas, promotional strategies. Whatever you can measure.
And he should know, as a super successful travel blogger and online entrepreneur.
No matter what type of newsletter distribution app or software you’re using (e.g. MailChimp, AWeber, ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign etc.) see if you can discover ways within their offerings to better optimise and target your audience.
Use ‘if-then’ statements to segment data, so that if for example, a reader clicks on a certain type of content you distribute (such as a review on a book about social media), they can be shifted to a user-group you might want to work with separately (for example, down the track if you release a book or e-book on similar subject matter, this group could potentially be more interested than others on your mailing list).
This is all particularly helpful as your offerings, content, products and services expand, and means you are likely to have more interested groups of readers to target different things to.
On subject lines, he reminded us these are very important and pretty much determine whether an email will be opened or not.
Try to make your subject lines personal in nature, offer help; keep it short but not too specific.
An example: ‘How to travel for free’ worked well for Matt; on the same content, ‘The ultimate guide to travel hacking’ did not.
On a side-note about the blogging world as a whole, he also mentioned that we shouldn’t be so tied up creating content that we forget to read and educate ourselves too.
The more we read: travel, business, marketing, history, personal development, and so on, the better we’ll become at everything! Makes sense, right?
He suggested:
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini
The Power of Persuasion by Robert V. Levine
The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right by Atul Gawande
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey
Ask by Ryan Levesque
Spud Hilton on storytelling
In this inspiring address, one of the few truly experienced newspaper travel editors working in the world today, shared some brilliant tips on how to craft compelling content.
Spud Hilton reminded us that in order to enhance even our best ideas for a travel blog, we need to:
Write to a point – who is the audience and what message do you want them to take away? Work this out before drafting your copy or visual content.
Defy expectations – find things people aren’t doing somewhere or that wouldn’t be expected of a particular place. Be different. It’s also nice to share what’s great about a destination that others either overlook or perceive is a bit rubbish. We think a great example is Hastings in the UK – a place we had a lot of interest in because no-one in England cared about it but we sung the destination’s praises and shared why it is a cool place to go.
Move past ‘tourist vs traveller’, because everyone is a traveller, really. They just fall between being a discoverer (e.g. climbing a mountain, seeking a monk and spiritual enlightenment) and a leisure traveller, that is, taking a break and unapologetically sipping on cocktails by the beach.
And it’s important to report, not repeat content – find the story, don’t rehash what’s already been shared. He reminded us to look which way the pack is going, then head in the opposite direction, because that’s where the unique story will be.
Shawn Smith on using blab and Facebook Live (live-casting)
Shawn (The Mobile Pro) presented a really interesting workshop about his thoughts on live-casting services, with particular references to Blab and Facebook Live.
He maintains (and we keep hearing this) that this method of conversing with an audience will continue to grow, and inevitably boom. I really see the benefits of live-casting, although my only reservations are availability of Wifi and data when travelling. Personal mobile Wifi seems to be more accessible now though, which would alleviate these worries.
He shared a case study about how he managed to raise funds for much-needed stoves in a remote part of the world, because he had the chance to use this technology to show people first-hand how much of a difference their donation would really make.
Using live-casting technology you can:
Re-purpose content from your blog, but remember to talk about it, don’t just re-read it. Live-casting is about conversation, it’s not a presentation.
Chat about three to seven key points.
Talk to people by name – if they are commenting, chat back to them.
Be authentic and vulnerable – be yourself.
Invite calls to action (e.g. sign up to a mailing list).
Don’t be afraid to ask for comments and shares of your feed. Often people do not know to do this but will happily oblige.
If you plan a live-cast in advance, don’t forget to set up event invites (you could do this via Facebook) to remind friends to come online for a chat!
Why not have a go at it this week, but be mindful that Shawn advised you should try to broadcast for at least 15 minutes to gather an audience and have a ‘chat’ live across the world about your chosen topic. I suspect this is true, because I experimented with Periscope and Facebook Live (for the first time) while we were exploring the Vasa Museum in Stockholm and noticed the audience uptake was rather low within the five minutes I was playing around on both streams. Longer and I might have had the chance to have a proper conversation.
Shane Dallas on using Google+ to reach millions
My final workshop summery is from a very engaging Aussie traveller’s session. Shane Dallas (aka the Travel Camel) hosts The Road Less Travelled, one of the world’s biggest Twitter travel chats.
He spoke about how Google+ is far from ‘dead’ and that we should all be keeping an eye on its ‘collections‘ feature, and carefully curating our own meaningful collections while nurturing conversations about the subject matter within our chosen niche.
On social media, he insists more of us need to more mindful of what value our content is bringing to the party, how it makes us different (stand out) and its purpose.
He says we need to strive to be better at the three Cs:
strong Content
strong Conversation
strong Community
Interestingly, Shane discussed using Google+ and the featured collections function in almost a micro-blogging capacity, rather than as a vehicle for driving traffic back to a website.
I can definitely see his point, particularly being that it is a truly different user-set that make the best of this social media platform.
He mentioned that Twitter, Instagram and Google+ are the social vehicles used by those who want to ‘network and learn’ (rather than those where you will mostly hang out with friends). I totally agree with this and have enjoyed these three services in this way.
I have also always found Google+ to offer a more beautiful interface for images, videos and interesting conversation, so I was glad to be reassured that it is embedding its place firmly in the world of micro-blogging, creative content and social media.
Do you have tips or questions? Let us know in the comments below.
After a very nice break away, yesterday I returned to discover a bulging inbox which left me feeling more than a tad overwhelmed, and to make matters worse, one of the first emails I opened turned out to be a lengthy rant about a piece of content I hadn’t complemented with a photo. The feedback was reasonable enough – I had been forced to rush through a digital feature that was to be attached to a marketing email, and the copy had been supplied at the last minute. Because I was extremely short on time, I failed to include a larger photo on this accompanying attached content, and absolutely agree that it would have been the better way forward. No excuses, and I for one am well aware that the best learning usually comes from recognising the mistakes I’ve made (or how I could have improved).
Only thing is, this message from a reader was shared in such a way that it was upsetting, and the tone of voice used was that of an individual who came across (in this email, at least) as one who assumes they know better.
It was really obvious they had not considered:
My (as the content creator) feelings and the amount of work actually put into the entire body of work in the first place.
Other time constraints and workload pressures I might be facing.
All the other things in the overall campaign I’d actually got right!
Do you know the feeling?
Many of you reading this spend much of your day putting yourselves ‘out there’, creatively speaking and otherwise. Whether you are broadcasting on air, writing, blogging, filming, painting or working in PR and communications – it’s all a bit of a risky business for the ego. Some would even say we’re brave for doing it. I know a lot of people who are apprehensive about sharing their ideas, content or stories for fear of any type of criticism.
As content creators and communicators, we are consistently in a position where we need to produce written work or other creative output (videos, social media, blogs, magazine features etc.), and with that opportunity comes the people who are quick to judge our work, and not often in a constructive way.
We’re all pretty used to being ‘judged’, and I think most of the time this actually helps with positive personal and professional growth. Cooper and I began our careers in radio – an industry rife with arrogance and daily criticism of your work! That said, when delivered well, this really can help you become a far better on-air announcer than you ever would without feedback. Similarly, my mentors in publishing consistently showed me better ways to phrase, word, style and so on. This is how we hone a craft. This experience also helps you to develop a thick skin, which is something of a necessity in this and many other lines of work.
Criticism delivered in a negative, thoughtless or hurtful way though (whether intentional or unintentional on the part of the person sharing it), can have an adverse impact on self-esteem and confidence, and for those working in communications and creative industries, it has the potential to cause real problems.
People tend to be quick to pick problems, but very slow to share praise or thanks in the form of emails or comments on social media, websites or blogs. Have you ever been on the receiving end of destructive criticism and what kind of impact did it have on you?
These kinds of experiences remind me to think twice if I catch myself being judgmental and critical of other people’s work, because actually, they’re likely to have put much time and effort into the ideas, reason and production of the content being consumed out there in the public domain (whether you thoroughly enjoy it or not). Sharing feedback on someone’s published work is actually challenging their abilities and ideas, and it’s reasonable to expect that what comes back – if not entirely positive – should be designed to help them grow.
Moral of the story: give feedback constructively not destructively; and if you’re on the receiving end, take the valuable learning from it, and leave the rest at the door.
Today’s challenge: When you see something online today (on social media, a website, news site or blog) that’s helpful, makes you smile or feel inspired, drop a positive comment there to let the person behind it know you appreciate the thought and time they’ve put in.
Last week I ended up in Northern Ireland on a Belfast city break.
I was there for work but because this presented a chance to explore somewhere new, Cooper popped up for the weekend from London. Our Aussie mate Deb who is travelling in the area came along too!
Best things to do on a Belfast city break
Here (below) we are in a quaint alley in what’s known as the ‘cathedral quarter’, at the Duke of York pub. This lovely area is recommended for a relaxed stop on your Belfast city break. The lively banter amongst locals on either side of the alley had us all in stitches and got us in a good mood for the rest of our trip…
Geography lessons
We were all aware that we should be a bit culturally sensitive in Belfast.
You see, Northern Ireland is not the same country as the Republic of Ireland where Dublin is the capital, contrary to what we might understand growing up very far away in Australia.
These are two separate places.
Northern Ireland was set up in 1921 as part of the United Kingdom (UK), pounds sterling are spent and it has its own parliament at Stormont in Belfast (its impressive headquarters pictured at the top of this page).
The Republic of Ireland (or Ireland) on the other hand, is part of Europe where you need Euros to go shopping.
Belfast is renowned for religious and political ‘troubles’ and the initial development of ‘Northern Ireland’ was hoped to solve some of the deep-rooted problems held between Catholics and Protestants.
Unfortunately this was not to be, because many Catholics in the north wanted to be united with the Irish Free State in the south and worried about being a minority group compared with the 65 per cent of Protestants making up the region.
2021 update: Belfast the Movie
If you happen across this post well after it’s original publishing date, you might appreciate this update. A lovely movie by Kenneth Branagh was released in 2021. Highly recommended if you’re interested in Belfast.
Over time, divisions between the two sides in Northern Ireland continued to escalate, and by the late 1960s had reached crisis levels including rioting, bombings and a serious threat of civil war.
The streets were brimming with British police and soldiers, as well as a new provisional IRA (Irish Republican Army) intent on using violence to gain a united Ireland.
Years of fighting between Catholics and Protestants left over 3,000 dead.
Fast forward to the 1990s – the people of Northern Ireland had had enough and wanted change.
Eventually the main Nationalist (Catholic) and Unionist (Protestant) political parties agreed to share power fairly in the famous Good Friday Agreement of 1998.
Although things were not perfect and it took a long time for the paramilitaries to get rid of their weapons, a new acceptance of peaceful ways has ensued.
Modern Belfast
As a child of the 1980s, I remember news stories about IRA terrorist bombings and many a shooting or uprising in Belfast.
The city isn’t like that now, although its recent tumultuous history makes for a very interesting ride through the suburbs. This includes along the infamous, now mural-lined Falls Road (centre of ‘The Troubles’); and alongside the 45-year-old, nearly 8m high ‘peace wall’ in west Belfast (akin to the Berlin Wall**).
The wall was originally built to separate Catholic and Protestant neighbourhoods and runs through these parts for up to about 5km.
Belfast, best things to do on a short break
We literally only had a weekend for our Belfast city break, to explore properly.
If you’re only in town for a short Belfast city break, we highly recommend the City Sightseeing hop-on-hop-off tour.
It is great value for a 48-hour pass and the live commentary was most informative and entertaining.
There’s also a more private cab tour that I heard about. Feedback was that the stories told on that tour were also unbiased and interesting.
Some parts of Belfast are ten years into a 25-year planned regeneration period. This includes the Titanic Quarter across the Queen’s bridge from the city centre.
Belfast’s shipyards (founded in the 1860s) are where the legend of the world’s most famous ship began. Over in this part of the city you can visit the uniquely designed Titanic Belfast museum (opened in 2012). You can also see the historic Titanic dock and pump-house. You may want to see Titanic Studios too, home of Game of Thrones.
The city centre is where I spent most of my time, and I loved its contrast of contemporary and historical.
The former included a large conference centre and lovely waterfront. Don’t miss the salmon of knowledge (pictured above) that you should kiss to improve intelligence (or so the story goes).
On the older side is the beautiful baroque-revival architecture of the city hall (as above). Adding to the city’s allure, is Queen’s University’s front Gothic façade, and charming cathedral quarter including St Anne’s Cathedral.
It’s easy to navigate the city on foot. There’s plenty of nice high street stores to spend your money at as you wander along.
For the fun of it
As you can imagine, there’s plenty of fun to be had up here.
Colleagues were kind enough to share tips, including The Perch rooftop bar (highly recommended). The Duke of York pub in the cathedral quarter and St George’s Market are also great!
Here’s a map and some more information on where to eat and drink in Belfast:
Wish list (next time)
I would absolutely visit Belfast again, because there’s loads we didn’t get to explore both in the city and beyond.
Easy (day) trips include to the Mountains of Mourne where you’ll experience sweeping views out to the sea. The dramatic Giant’s Causeway and idyllic Fermanagh lakelands are also highly desirable and easy to access from Belfast.
The school holidays are fast approaching and no doubt you’re already planning a trip with the family – but this begs the question: pet hotel, or what else to do with the fur child?
Cooper and I have had dogs most of our lives. We know that they all have different personalities and cope in varying ways outside of our company. Also, we learnt lessons from the years spent as younger, less experienced dog owners, on what is good or not so good for pets when we are absent.
Pet hotel, in home sitting or take them with you? Questions to ask yourself about your pooch:
Does my dog have problems with unfamiliar people or surroundings?
Does my dog get along well with other dogs?
How long is reasonable to leave my dog at home on his/her own for (keeping in mind, they are social creatures)?
How much exercise does my dog need, even if we’re travelling/on holidays?
The answers to these questions take you some way to deciding on what you need to arrange for your four-legged friend(s) when planning your own break away.
Pet hotel and dog-friendly accommodation: can you take your dog with you?
Of course, one option is to take your pooch with you and this requires a lot of planning. The main things to keep in mind are to book dog friendly accommodation and to choose a travel destination that best fits your dog’s breed. It might not be ideal to go hiking with a dachshund, for example. But a hotel that allows dogs (dog hotel) is perfect.
You also have to think about if you will travel by car or plane (and the high costs of the latter). Both in the car and on a plane, the dog should be in a dog crate. It will take time for your dog to get used to staying in a crate over an extended period of time, which means you have to train him/her before you go on a holiday. Travelling can mean a lot of stress for your pooch if it’s not facilitated in the right way.
Boarding kennels
Not everything that is expensive is the best option. A boarding kennel is one of the most expensive and usually least ideal options to consider (I personally have had both wonderful and terrible experiences, and it truly depends on whether the establishment is run by genuine, caring ‘dog people’ or not).
Your dog is in an unfamiliar environment with unfamiliar people and won’t get a lot of individual attention, because the sitter-to-dog ratio can be as low as 1:100. The dogs often sleep and stay in small cages. A positive however, is that your dog has a lot of friends to play with when in the running yard (assuming there is one – which there should be).
Friends and family
This might be the best and most trustworthy option (shout out to our family in Cairns – you know who you are). Your dog is already familiar with the people and surroundings, this means less stress when you’re away.
If your dog stays with friends or family, make sure they have their favourite toy and/or dog bed. We’d also leave something that smelled like us (eg. an old t-shirt). It only makes sense that your dog stays there if your friend or family member is at home often enough to take care of the pooch and has fun doing it.
Your dog can also stay at your home and someone comes to feed and walk him/her every day, but keep in mind that dogs can break things, tip over their water bowl, get hurt or very anxious if left alone for extended periods of time.
In-home dog sitting
Most dogs feel for comfortable in their own surroundings. In-home dog sitting has become by far our preferred option. But, you have to obviously be comfortable with someone staying in your own home.
A dog sitter will come and live in your house for the time you’re on holiday.
A great alternative for dogs that need that extra level of TLC, and easy to find thanks to the internet. Dog sitters are mostly passionate ‘dog people’. Some may currently own a dog. Others may have had a dog in the past but cannot make the long-term commitment.
You can meet the minder prior to committing and have peace of mind in knowing your dog is in good hands. There’s plenty of services we are aware of. These include Borrow My Doggy in the UK, or in Australia. We use TrustedHousesitters. But Rover or PawShake are options too.
Do you have tips, thoughts or suggestions on caring for dogs while you’re on holidays? We’re passionate dog people so would love to hear from you… leave a note in the comments below.
History meets modern-day buzz along the uneven cobblestones of everyone’s favourite weekend haunt in these parts – The Rocks in Sydney.
The Rocks mark the birthplace of modern Sydney, with an intricate history that dates from its shady beginnings when convicts first settled to the contemporary home of Sydney’s most creative and cultural.
Walking tours
If you’re thinking walking tours are the last thing you’d want to do at The Rocks, prepare to be proven wrong!
The Rocks holds some of the best walking tours in Sydney, taking enraptured audiences through spine-tingling urban legends and infamous historic events every day of the week. Ever wondered about the markings on the sandstone you see everywhere in old buildings and footpaths? They were actually made by convicts who each had a unique system of markings to distinguish how many blocks each person had chiseled.
For those who are more daring, ghost tours run in the evenings taking you through the torch and lantern-lit laneways once home to street gangs, dank seedy bars and a rampant outbreak of the plague.
Weekend Markets
The Rocks Markets are an enduring highlight for visitors, and some of the nicest markets in the city. Here, the markets are open from 10am to 5pm every weekend all year round offering 200 stalls stacked with an eclectic range of homewares, beauty products and art.
For locals, these markets give a taste for Sydney’s diverse mix of cultures and art. Wander through and you’ll find your senses engulfed by the delectable allure of Turkish gozleme, the colourful arrangement of fresh fruit or the ingenuity of artworks made from cutlery. Whatever crazy idea you’re looking for to spice up your weekend, take your pick here.
Museum of Contemporary Art
The MCA is one of Sydney’s standout museums, not just for its extensive collection of contemporary art sourced from high-performing artists worldwide, but also for being a constant hub of special events.
From its current (2016) showcase of international artists in the Biennale to the annual participation in the now famous Vivid light show, transforming the building into a work of art, the MCA is constantly buzzing with vibrant activity throughout the year.
An Illustrious nightlife
If you’re looking for a classy night out away from the loudness of Sydney’s mainstream bars and restaurants, The Rocks offers a refined strip of small restaurants and bars – quieter and less pretentious. A standout is Hero of Waterloo, a sandstone bar and restaurant built over 170 years ago with a colourful history of rum-smuggling in its famous underground tunnels.
By Liam Barrett. Feature image by Dieter Bethke (Flickr creative commons).
Grey skies swiftly rolled in as the minivan ferried us about on our Wales road trip. Excited we pulled up outside the haunting shell of Weobley Castle, a 14th Century fortified manor house.
One of 641 castles in Wales, it might otherwise appear unremarkable compared with its larger counterparts. Surprisingly, what sets Weobley apart is its hilltop position above the expansive and desolate salt marshes of Llanrhidian Sands.
Adrian, our enthusiastic See Wales guide was mid-story when for the first time that day our small group interrupted him with excited cries of, ‘oh wow look at that!’.
Transpiring behind him on a scene set across flat salty lands, was the fervent galloping of about ten wild horses. All heading towards a lone 4WD which must have meant ‘food’ to the motley band of brothers (pictured below).
The wonders of a Wales road trip
The scene was so darkly enchanting, we could very well have landed back in time Outlander-style. The only giveaway, a vehicle that appeared out of place in such rugged old terrain.
As an Aussie adventurer, I now feel compelled to spread the good word about Wales. This is why you should embark on your own Wales road trip.
On the travel grapevine, I quite often hear of people’s love for England. Their desire to tour Ireland’s Atlantic way and Scotland’s mysterious valleys, lochs and mountains. But rarely do I hear about the drive to visit here.
Yet, I’m captivated.
Visiting Cardiff on your Wales road trip
While our last stop on this lovely day trip was Weobley, we’d begun at 9.30am in Cardiff. A city that – typical of our Wales experience – took us entirely by surprise!
A beautiful and contemporary place. Complete with exquisite buildings, parks, waterways, a fabulous bay and castle, world-class university and sporting areas.
Cardiff is an up-and-coming star of the region. One of the fastest growing capital cities in Europe. Its ‘cool’ factor shines bright. Despite a long history dating back thousands of years.
Over 40 per cent of Cardiff’s population is under 30, which is probably why the place feels so fresh and vibrant.
Some of the Civic Centre and national museum buildings actually remind me of the grand Westminster dwellings situated around Victoria in London.
I was pleased for a bit of early morning sunshine. I eagerly snapped a few digital mementos before meeting up with my tour group to head off on our Gower Peninsula adventure.
The Gower Peninsula in Wales
The Gower is a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in South Wales that projects westwards into the Bristol Channel. It’s brimming with mysterious old stone ruins, historical castles and churches, ocean-ways, green valleys, marshes, caves, beaches and soaring cliffs.
The following map shows where in the country we were. I’ve highlighted some of the key stops we visited on the See Wales day trip.
Striking Swansea Bay
During the adventure we visited the charming Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea which celebrates the famous Welsh writer. We then drove through the Mumbles and stopped at Langland Bay where a cliff top walk was in order.
We were happy to brave a rather ferocious wind in order to make our way along the coast towards Caswell Bay. Home to jaw-dropping natural landscapes. One can only hope to experience in a lifetime.
2016 is deemed the ‘year of adventure’ in Wales, and visitors plus locals alike are encouraged to explore the Wales Coast Path.
A walking/hiking route which has been developed to link all of the country’s most wonderful landscapes and points of interest.
Our half hour trek presented a small taste of what is on offer – and it is striking!
I’d spent the better part of this day trip around Wales’ extraordinary Gower Peninsula. Excitedly capturing photos and video, gossiping with fellow travel bloggers and gasping at the dramatic landscapes.
It happened to be a surprisingly sunny Sunday. The day before I was set to go back to work after a lovely break away exploring southern Wales.
When I wasn’t clicking to create digital memorie. My mind was chatting incessantly with ideas on what I wanted to write about. As usual I was anxiously mulling over my to-do list. Concerned about how I was going to get back into the swing of work the next day.
Breathtaking, Rhossili Bay
As our mini touring coach gently bumped along a narrow country road. I finally realised that actually I didn’t need to keep the mental chatter up; in fact, I could simply gaze out the window and be wonderfully mindful about where I was and what I had the opportunity to do and see on this breezy April day.
Just when I decided to stop and smell the roses, so to speak, my eyes widened as we slowly rolled by a spectacular green field sprinkled with sheep and baby lambs skipping around. As the setting opened up further, I spotted a number of horses casually grazing on a hilly piece of land overlooking the sparkling sea. It was incredibly beautiful, and like scenery I’ve only ever seen in films like 2015’s Far From the MaddingCrowd (although I am aware it was filmed in England).
Being from Australia, I’m used to landscapes generally falling into the categories of country (inland), city or coastal, so to have pastoral blend with dramatic ocean views was a novel experience.
We drove into iconic Rhossili Bay (pictured above) for lunch – a genuine treat being that this beach is consistently voted within lists counting the world’s top ten (apparently something that has bothered the odd Australian travel journalist, but I’m happy to accept it as true)!
Rhossili village and Worm’s Head (pictured above) were the first spots to be designated as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in the United Kingdom,.
If you have the chance to visit here I strongly encourage you to.
A number of nice pubs sit atop the cliffs so you can experience the true meaning of ‘meal with a view’, but do leave plenty of time for exploring. And obviously, don’t forget your camera.
Here’s a video snapshot of our fabulous day…
Wales road trip travel tips
Loved the location of the Holiday Inn in Cardiff – we had a nice room overlooking the castle and Bute park and I can’t wait to book a city break back here.
Up the road from the Holiday Inn is a very cool bar and nightclub called Revolution. We had a chance to enjoy post-conference drinks here and liked the music playlist and spacious layout.
See Wales is a great option if you’re wanting to explore without the hassle of hiring a car. Our day trip began and ended in Cardiff and took us to Swansea, the Mumbles, Langland Bay, Caswell Bay, Parc Le Breos ancient woodland and ruins, Rhossili and Worm’s Head on the west coast of the Gower Peninsula, then to Weobley Castle positioned above Llanrhidian Sands.
City Sightseeing red bus tours is a good idea for getting your bearings in Cardiff. If you buy your day pass on the ground it is usually valid for 48 hours so will double as your transport ticket around the city. The hop-on-hop-off coach begins its route outside Cardiff Castle every half hour, and ticks off the city’s must-see attractions including:
Cardiff Castle
National Museum
Doctor Who Experience
Cardiff Bay and Mermaid Quay
Craft in the Bay
Millennium stadium
Have you been to Wales? We plan on returning so if you have travel tips please leave them in the comments below.
Hi, we’re Sarah & Cooper. Welcome to Travel Live Learn! We’re Aussie expats currently living in the UK (for the third time!) with our adorable Westie, London. Our mission? To inspire you to embrace a life of adventure—whether it’s travelling longer, relocating to the UK or Europe, or exploring the freedom of remote work and digital nomadism. Enjoy your time on our site! We'd love to stay in touch: subscribe for our weekly stories, updates and remote work job opportunities direct to your inbox.
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