Do blondes have more fun? [review]

Do blondes have more fun? [review]


I had been growing my blonde locks for longer than I’d cared to realise.

As it turns out, the choice to chop it all off – for the first time in ten years – ended up an emotional one, and something I comically (for the most part) write about in the August 2017 issue of Get it Magazine (published soon).

My hair was happy to have a fresh cut and I’m liking it. The act of cutting it all off symbolised a fresh start. They’re often bittersweet, right?

Since I went back to my blonde bob of old though I’ve noticed this seems to be the summer trend, so I’ve decided to own it.

Best of blonde: luxe to less tried and tested

As it’s short, it’s imperative my hair looks blonde, fresh and fun. After all, why else go short and sweet?

These two brands got wind of my situation and wanted me to experience life as it should be for a brave blonde.

If you too are in the market for shampoo, conditioner and treatments for blonde hair, read on…


Joico’s new Blonde Life range cares for blonde hair which can tend towards feeling and looking dry and damaged in not too much time at all. These products also work to banish brassy tones, restore moisture and add shine – yummy!

The Brightening Masque is also part of the set – it’s a five minute moisture hit which revives blonde ends that are dehydrated and dry (sound familiar?).

Loved this range from the second I started using it. The promise is that hair is kept bright, smooth and shiny, as well as on-tone for up to eight weeks. Importantly, after using it my hair is easy to style and a nice colour. It’s obvious this is a quality range and I would absolutely buy it again.

Interestingly there’s no purple tones in these products – they are glossy and gold, yet they totally do the trick and maintain my colour.

– Blonde Life brightening shampoo 300ml, £15.50
– Blonde life brightening conditioner 300ml, £16.50
– Blonde life brightening masque 135ml, £17.45


Here’s my friend Jackie, and I, out and about; I could say blondes have more fun (especially after I just washed and styled my hair with these goodies), but I think she had a nice time at this masquerade party too!


Phil Smith

It’s difficult to tell what you’re going to get with products for blonde hair, and I can’t definitively say that all ‘cheaper’ brands aren’t as good as some of the more expensive brands. I’ve had experiences with products from all across the brand spectrum that have dried my hair out and left it feeling lifeless – literally. Not great!

This affordable range that’s exclusively available from Sainsbury’s however, has pleasantly surprised me.

Actually, I was using and loving the products before I even checked the price and expected it to be much higher.

Work ready…

The shampoo smells lovely, the treatment is violet-toned which is totally necessary for my hair which can tend towards gold; the products are vegan friendly too.

This is a lovely, gentle range of products that feel nice on the hair, offer brightness and softness and at a price that’s inexpensive for what you get.

Very happy to keep these products in my cupboard and on my shopping list.

– Bombshell blonde radiance shampoo 350ml, £3.50, Sainsbury’s
– Bombshell blonde radiance conditioner 250ml, £3.50, Sainsbury’s
– Bombshell blonde radiance intensive treatment 150ml, £3.50, Sainsbury’s


So, do blondes have more fun? Yes, now I definitely am!

Bournemouth and the English seaside

Bournemouth and the English seaside

We recently had the opportunity to visit the lovely seaside city of Bournemouth for the weekend.

Actually, we’d intended to visit here for a long time. We have super lovely and creative friends from the Gold Coast who lived and worked here for a few years and loved it (shout out to Lou and Iain from P’s in a Pod); and as Aussies, we are always on the lookout for a ‘real’ beach.

As far as seaside cities here go, I’d describe Bournemouth as being a contemporary destination, conveniently located just two hours’ train ride from London; the beach is actually beautiful, there’s a pier, and plenty of bars, restaurants, serene hotels and accommodation to keep you happy for a sunny weekend escape.

We appreciated how the city has been designed – there’s a central mall with shopping – at the top of that is a spot called ‘the triangle’ that boasts some nice bars and eateries like Smokin’ Aces and Koh Thai. A wonderful park and landscaped garden area (including mini golf) leads explorers through the town towards the beach and Bournemouth Wheel. Either way along the beach you can wander the promenade and discover ice-cream, coffee, cocktails and markets. Truly charming.


Cheap treats

The Moon in the Square (Wetherspoons chain pub with rooftop terrace)


South Coast Roast (just off the top of the mall)


Koh Thai – for delicious food and a nice atmosphere including music


Smokin’ Aces – for 2-4-1 cocktails 5pm to 8pm and check-in on Facebook for a free shot!

Sixty Million Postcards


Chocolate Boutique Hotel

Hallmark Hotel East Cliff (request a sea view room)


Do you have tips on where to dine, shop, play and stay in Bournemouth? Let us know in the comments.

How to use the law of attraction – manifest a better way now

How to use the law of attraction – manifest a better way now

Another morning, another effort to get up; another opportunity to implement my understanding on how to use the law of attraction. It’s not always easy though, is it?

The sunshine wasn’t helping my mood and I knew before I touched it, that I should refrain from reaching for my mobile the second I woke. Inevitably the first thing that appeared would be bad news.

There was a period of time that was like this last year when quite simply, I was unhappy. It’s nothing you haven’t experienced, I’m sure. If we’re lucky, we know that actually – soon, hopefully – things will be brighter, bit at a time.

During my particularly stressful period, I was simultaneously dealing with illness in the family, a confidence crisis, finance worries, challenging business associates and a hopeless feeling of helplessness.

Making matters worse, I was being particularly tough on myself for how I was reacting on the phone, over email and with friends. I kept apologising for being ‘that person’ who didn’t want to bring the lunchtime conversations down, and I was aware of carrying around a negative attitude. I wasn’t feeling, behaving or showing up as the me I wanted to be.

How to implement the law of attraction to make positive changes now

I am all about taking charge though, and knew the only person who could change what was being reflected in my world was me.

I invested time into shifting my view on areas of my life that were getting me down. Included in this effort was a dedicated daily gratitude practice.

If there’s one law of attraction ‘secret’ I’ve seen work wonders in a multitude of difficult scenarios, it is the act of specifically identifying what has been good each day.

When I was a child, I was encouraged to recognise that there is always someone worse off, so to be grateful for my lot.

That sentiment is largely true, although now I get that the real power in being grateful is that like attracts like.

What I – what you – focus on expands.

Some say that how the law of attraction works is like this:

like attracts like, and if we focus on the bad bits like hours of miserable news broadcasts, difficult colleagues or those who have cheated us, that’s exactly what is going to show up more in our own experience. Ask and it is Given is the bible on this stuff, if you want more; or look up Gabrielle Bernstein‘s videos on YouTube.

If, however, we practice the shift to an attitude of gratitude such as, ‘I’m grateful to have the cash to pay my rent’, or ‘I’m grateful to be catching up with Leanne today because she is an awesome friend’ (among thousands of other examples), more of the positives manifest in your world.

A little bit of magic. Quite cool!

Making the law of attraction work for you

None of this is revelatory though, so what was the big learning for me out of recent challenges?

I realised there was something I constantly omitted from my own gratitude list. Me!

Your list may include similar items to mine like ‘loving partner’, ‘friends and family’, ‘cool boss’, ‘dog’ (dogs plural, for that matter), ‘good health’, ‘upcoming travel adventure just paid off’… but do you include yourself?

I have given myself such a hard time in the past for feeling miserable and worried about a whole host of things. I didn’t consider that my resilience was carrying me through and that my nous was leading me to rewarding points of realisation.

You rock. We rock! I’m remembering to be grateful for that. I am grateful for my mistakes and the times I’ve spoken without thinking. I am grateful for the falls and how I picked myself up. I am grateful for the lessons learnt the hard way that I now share to help others. I am grateful for the words I can use to communicate, share and resolve.

These days I add ‘me’ to my list, up the top with a smiley face. My intention is that this serves as a reminder for you to do the same on yours (smiley face optional).

Regardless of what kind of day or week you’re having, take five to compose your top five things you’re grateful for now. Make it bright, bold, and uniquely you.


First published in the July 2017 issue of Get it Magazine,
Santorini Greece vacation

Santorini Greece vacation

Get lost in paradise on a Santorini Greece vacation!

Keep an eye on here for more Santorini Greece vacation stories, on the way soon (plus plenty of other summer Euro inspiration).

Santorini Greece vacation

In the meantime, here’s a sneak peek of what we saw…


Summer love in Santorini

A Santorini Greece vacation is something most people want to tick off their travel bucket-list in a lifetime. We stayed in an amazing place called Manos Small World, overlooking the spectacular bay, volcanic structures and plenty of cruise ships coming in and out of the port.

This lovely spot was set on Caldera cliff and just a ten minute walk from plenty of shops and restaurants. The walk into town is along the cliff with extraordinary views at any time of day. There’s also a few cool bars along the way that serve delicious cocktails, perfect for sunset.

You may also be interested in our beach and scuba diving guide to Santorini


The area was very central and easy to get on a day tour coach (as we did) that explores the island. I’d recommend it for your Santorini Greece vacation, as it’s an easy way to see the whole island, its pockets, beach bars and views. Just Google ‘Santorini coach day trips’ for options.

An obligatory trip to Oia, Santorini, for the sunset was in order too.  Oia is a town brimming with whitewashed houses that are carved into rugged clifftops. It overlooks a vast caldera filled with water, and is a famous sunset spot. Oia gets very very busy coming into the sunset hours, so if you are there for the spectacle, you’ll want to find a spot earlier in the afternoon and wait there.

Santorini is almost too beautiful, and is full of Grecian charm, like Athens is. I think we definitely have a thing for islands, because this trip is up there with some of our favourites like Ibiza or Mallorca. Santorini Greece is absolutely worth a visit and adding to your Greece vacation list.


A note on animal rights

I rarely preach on this blog, but PLEASE do respect animal rights on your trip. Consider how you can support the many stray dogs that are here, as well as promote a better attitude towards looking after dogs.

To be honest, I saw some things here that did not impress me in this respect.

Additionally, rethink donkey rides – this is unnecessary and goes against animal rights as far as many are concerned. They are not there for amusement, or at least, shouldn’t be. Enjoy your Santorini Greece vacation responsibly.

Travel responsibly. We do not support riding animals for fun, here, Thailand or anywhere else for that matter.


Let us know your thoughts or questions on any of this – drop us a line in the comments.


Travel Live Learn vlog

Travel Live Learn vlog


Have you seen our latest clips? We’ll post below from Tuscany, but you can subscribe here on YouTube and never miss one :) We also post alternative content on Instagram and Facebook, linked on this site.

Let us know if you have requests for clips from the UK and Europe and we’ll see what we can do!

Thanks for stopping by,

Coops and Sarah

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Anzac Day in London

Anzac Day in London


Back at home in Australia sometimes you’ll find us engaged in banter at the pub with our neighbours from New Zealand. We’ll give each other a little good-humoured grief about our accents and get into heated debates about who boasts the best cities.

We can make fun of each other at home, you know? But overseas when we run into an Antipodean on our travels we more often than not stick together.

It’s a little like how in your family you can make fun (within reason, obviously) of siblings or cousins, but if someone else tries to, we’ll automatically defend the other.

A lot of this mateship goes back to war times, and on 25 April each year our nations commemorate Anzac Day to observe when our troupes landed at Gallipoli in 1915.

Today Anzac Day still stands as one of our nations’ most important occasions and is marked by a public holiday each year, as well as moving dawn services and daytime military marches.

Incidentally, it’s also my birthday.

Indeed, many of us make the pilgrimage to Gallipoli in Turkey for special dawn ceremonies.

And, there are always services in London including a dawn service at the Australian War Memorial, Hyde Park Corner which is – you might be surprised to know – usually overflowing with attendees.

If you have spent any time travelling or living abroad, you’ll appreciate that the sense of patriotism is often stronger when you’re away from home.

Add that to an emotional national day and you’ll usually find a hive of expats huddling together flying their flag.

On Anzac Day, Aussies and Kiwis unite, and being this far away – just as our men were 102 years ago – it’s a poignant moment to be part of.

It’s for this reason that I jumped on an opportunity that a colleague at work – a lovely lady from New Zealand – told me about.

Each year our High Commission offers passes to special ceremonies, and those with an Australian or New Zealand passport can apply.

You can try this link from the beginning of each year (or if it’s not working, Google ‘Anzac Day London High Commission’).

You must apply for passes to attend this special service, held at the Cenotaph war memorial in Whitehall, and followed by a church service at Westminster Abbey up the road.

Here’s a sample of what we experienced:

The day was moving and memorable. Highly recommended – add the task to your diary from February next year. We’ll definitely do this again.